Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Primal Wars : Web Comic #2

click on the cover

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1 comment:

  1. Really quite interesting this saga showing the movements and strategies of each side in this new saga of Primal Wars. I enjoyed the Wizard Bear Panda of court of King Ru not sympathize with Bron. I wonder how many more Bears counselors should not do the same during the course of the new saga. One thing I definitely liked was that this time the dinosaurs were portrayed as having solidly muscular bodies ie as "giants" it. I like to see each personality nuanse of each animal characters warriors and see their faces when they are away from the battlefield. Bron seemed good-natured and jovial, Noth serious and disciplined as befits a leader, Tor with the temperament of more serious and Kin silent and mysterious. I enjoyed seeing the friend of Bron hope to see this fellowship among animals but would not be surprised to see also among the General Fang Dinosaurs. Anyway great episode stays that way ^^
