Friday, February 13, 2015

Primal War : Web Comic #3

click on the cover

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1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! Think it's wonderful to continue the saga of Primal Wars with a unique story with the same characters in the series of animations but with a whole new story involving a plot to revenge Proud General Fang to animals of the 5 Kingdoms. Buy the attitudes of Fang I was sharply with the following idea ... And if Leonidas of "300" by Frank Miller was the villain of the story and had to form, of one, Velocirraptor and commands to an army of "Warriors Spartans dinosaurs "against animals of the 5 Kingdoms and it fell to the heroes of Primal Wars the difficult task of stopping an army that was forged especially for the war, composed of dinosaurs soldiers who see everyone as warriors, of will as solid as one rock impossible to dodge their intent. And I found even more fantastic you have picked the Bears are one of the most powerful animals warriors people physically as the first target of the General to prove that this time the thing is very serious. Actually I was very impressed and I long to monitor this new saga in the universe of Primal Wars and see Noth, Bron, Kin, Tor and all the heroes beloved Primal Wars. Congratulations on your initiative ^^
